Videos of some of the places we will visit in the Holy Land and Middle East.

Areopagus Mars Hill
The Areopagus or Mars Hill is a bare marble hill next to the Acropolis in Athens. Apostle Paul delivered his famous speech about the identity of "the Unknown God."

Sea of Galilee
Capernaum is a large Galilean fishing village and busy trading center. Jesus, Peter, Andrew, James and John lived here.

Masada is an ancient fortification in the Southern District of Israel situated on top of an isolated rock plateau overlooking the Dead Sea on the eastern edge of the Judaean Desert.

Kidron Valley
The Kidron has many tombs : Zechariah’s Tomb, named after a First Temple priest, the Tomb of the Sons of Hezir, a Second Temple-era priestly family, and Absalom’s Tomb, its location is between the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives
more information: wikipedia.org

Golden Dome of the Rock
The Dome of the Rock is not a mosque, but a Muslim shrine. Like the Ka'ba in Mecca, it is built over a sacred stone. This stone is believed to be the place from which the Prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven during his Night Journey to heaven.

Via Dolorosa
Via Dolorosa , "Way of Sorrows" is a street within the Old City of Jerusalem, many possess as a course of conduct as a sacred path that Jesus walked, carrying his cross, on the way to his crucifixion. The winding route travels the path from the Antonia Fortress west to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

The Basilica of the Nativity
"She wrapped him in clothes and placed him in a manger, because there was no room in the house." (variant translation of Luke 2:7)

St Jeromes Cave
St Jerome produced the first official, wide spread book of the scriptures. The translated scriptures strength are real... this cave is a very special site to a certain diverse population of the world. The whole world benefited in a great way from the work St Jerome did in this two room cave! St Jerome spent 30 years translating the Scriptures from Hebrew and Greek into Latin. Making a vernacular version of the Bible, known as the Vulgate.

Qumran Caves
The Hellenistic period settlement was constructed during the reign of John Hyrcanus, 134-104 BCE or somewhat later, and was occupied most of the time until it was destroyed by the Romans in 68 CE or shortly after. It is best known as the settlement nearest to the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden.(Wikipedia)

Garden Tomb Golgotha
In 1842, near to the Damascus Gate and next to a site known as Jeremiah’s Grotto, a German scholar named Otto
Thenius noticed a rocky escarpment (now situated just behind a bus station), which in his opinion resembled
the face of a skull; since Golgotha is the Aramaic word for skull, he discovered the Hill were Jesus stood up
on the cross and placed in a tomb.(wiki)

Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Helena, mother of the Emperor Constantine. She presumed that the tomb of Christ would be found beneath one of the pagan Roman temples on the assumption that the Romans would have covered up the Christian holy site, just as they had covered the site of Herod's destroyed temple with a temple of their own, dedicated to Jupiter. She therefore razed the temple of Venus and excavated the area, finding a large cemetery. One of the tombs was situated within a cave, and this she denominated the "Holy Sepulcher" of Christ.

Pools of Bethesda
The Pool of Bethesda (also known as Bethsaida) is located near the Lion Gate just north of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In the Gospel of John, where Jesus heals the paralytic at the Bethesda Pool (John 5:2-9)
Bethesda means house of mercy and it was known as a healing sanctuary.
The pools fell into disrepair untill 1856 when the Ottoman government, seeking a way to express gratitude to France for help in the Crimean war, gave her the church. It is still run by French fathers.

Damascus Gate
Located in the wall on the city's northwest side where the highway leads out to Nablus, and from there, in
times past, to the capital of Syria, Damascus.(wiki)